Justin Armstrong is a respected security leader whose perspective and advice is sought by leadership at hospitals both large and small. He has provided guidance and thought leadership to Executives, and works closely with technical teams. Justin is actively involved within the security community and is an excellent presenter who can engage executive, technical, and general audiences. Well versed in HIPAA, GDPR, and Promoting Interoperability with over 23 years of Healthcare IT experience.
During his 22 years at MEDITECH, Justin worked as a developer on every MEDITECH platform and has extensive experience in Nursing, Ambulatory, e-Prescribing, and Physician products. Most recently he was responsible for the security of MEDITECH platforms and products and has assisted numerous healthcare organizations face cybersecurity challenges and crises.
In 2021, David Ting — who founded Imprivata and was on the HHS Cybersecurity task force — invited Justin to join his new startup, Tausight, which is a healthcare specific cybersecurity, privacy, and compliance tool. Justin worked closely with David and others on the design and how to present the key insights gained from Tausight. Justin also managed IT, Security, and Compliance at Tausight and represented Tausight at HIMSS and VIVE.
Most recently, Justin worked at Fractional CISO providing a range of vCISO services to small and mid sized Tech companies in several spaces — Healthcare, Pharmaceutical, EdTech, Automation, and Consumer Products. These services included building out entire security programs in order to achieve SOC 2 or ISO 27001. Justin performed gap and risk assessments, ran incident response tabletops, assisted with PCI DSS compliance, created security roadmaps, and performed in depth architecture reviews of cloud hosted products and the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC).
Justin is a working member of the IEEE SA-P2933 working group — developing a standard for Clinical Internet of Things (IoT) Data and Device Interoperability with TIPPSS - Trust, Identity, Privacy, Protection, Safety, Security.
MS Information Security
Brandeis University 2018
Our Values
1. Honesty and Integrity
2. Confidentiality
3. Value above and beyond expectations.
One childhood story always stuck with me. It was about the owner of a General Store who explained that when he would measure out flour and sugar to his customers, he would pack it down, add more, pack it down again, and then fill it to overflowing. Our goal is for the customer to always feel they got more than they paid for.
4. We want to make you look good!
We will work with you to identify the best strategies for delivering information.